The first action figure series produced by Hobbyterepa! Alloy Fleet "Blaze Envoy" project has been decided on novel concept of "The legendary battleship “Yamato” is revived as a completely deformed robot!" This product has a complex, super-advanced transformation gimmick design that enables complete deformed between the battleship mode and the humanoid "Alloy Fleet" mode. With its powerful and sophisticated structure and shape, it is a hobby product for super and advanced players. This is a wish item for fans who like mecha and deformed things! Products will be available from January 2023 at the Hobbyterepa online shop and others online channel.
"Blaze Envoy" is a combat mecha from Chinese science fiction comics, modified by battleship (Alloy Fleet) based on the Japan battleship “Yamato”. "Blaze Envoy" has the ability of the firepower that can rival the protagonist mecha“Xing Tian”, it goes main character's rival without saying. "Blaze Envoy" ’s pilot is Shien, and killer technique is "Twin Swords Retsuyou Slash"
"Blaze Envoy" mecha figure product realize the transform into two forms as original comic, a humanoid (Alloy Fleet) form and a battleship form, the Alloy Fleet form has excellent mobility, and various dynamic poses can be reproduced while holding weapons. The battleship form faithfully reproduces the appearance of a realistic warship. In addition, it can be transformed into a "super firepower mode battleship form" with triple gun turret lined up and a total of 15 main guns.
"Blaze Envoy" Alloy Fleet form
"Blaze Envoy" BattleShip form
Product Name: HobbyTerepa "Blaze Envoy" Deformation Battleship Mecha Action Figure
"Blaze Envoy" deformation battleship mecha action figure x 1
Warlord Helmet x 1
Katana x 1
Wakizashi x 1
Display & Storage pedestal × 1
Display parts (for battleship form) x 2
Display parts (for Alloy Fleet form) x 2
First advance edition benefit: Main gun shooting effect, killer technique effect
Brand: HobbyTerepa
Product category: Painted finished product action figure
JAN: 4580717640158
Release date: July 2023
Material: PVC&ABS, POM, alloy
Weight: 1.3KG
Scale: non-scale
Size: About 310mm height in Alloy Fleet form, about 460mm length × 94mm height in battleship form.
©Alloy Fleet
(* The product design specifications of“Blaze Envoy”include numerical material by the development team who respected the battleship “Yamato”)
Battleship form 460mm length is battleship“Yamato”'s main gun length 460mm.
Battleship form 94mm height is battleship Yamato”'s main gun "Type 94 naval gun"
Height to Alloy Fleet form head (removed warlord helmet ) 263mm is battleship“Yamato”’s length 263m.
"Blaze Envoy" will be on sale from the HobbyTerepa Online Shop and other EC sites from January 2023. If you like the product, please consider purchasing it!