クリエイターIt incorporates the culture of the Punjab. Interview with concept artist Qae !■Profile Artist Name: Qae Twitter: @_QAE0 National: Indian Australian Occupation: concept artist ■Art Gallery ――First of all, please...
ENGLISHTerepaInterview10: Impressionist painting with digital drawing! Interview with popular artist Sheya!■Profile Artist Name: Sheya Twitter: @dingkuang1 Weibo: @丁丁框 Country: China Career: University student School: Academy of Fine Arts,...
ENGLISHTerepaInterview17 : Use bright colors to express character emotions! Creative interview with YoaUuki■Profile Artist Name: YoaUuki Twitter: @YoaUuki Country: China Career: Student University: China Academy of Art Major: Game Design ■Art...
ENGLISHTerepaInterview5 : Creation interview with Japanese Character Designer Kameyama!■Profile Artist name: Kameyama Twitter:@mukumi Career: 3D Character Designer Currently creating virtual characters for VRChat in the name...